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Behind the scenes in your restaurant

Written by Line Andersen | 27-04-23 10:11

If you want to go the extra mile for your guests, take them behind the scenes in your restaurant. Guests likely have an idea of what goes on, but giving them a real glimpse can create value for your restaurant. It can help foster a better connection with your guests and increase loyalty to your restaurant. Here are some different suggestions on how you can do it.

Take them into the kitchen

Give your guests a peek into what goes on in the kitchen. This can be done in several different ways. For example, you could show them how the ingredients are prepared, so they are ready for service. If you have a restaurant, show how the vegetables are chopped, the bread is baked, and much more.

If you have a coffee shop or something similar, you can show how you prepare for the day's service when the opening shift starts. If you own an ice cream parlor, you can take your guests behind the scenes and show them how you make your ice cream, bake the waffles, or something similar. There are many possibilities, and only your imagination sets the limits for what is possible in your restaurant.

Show an order from start to finish

Another option is to show an order from start to finish. This can be done with the help of a video, so the guest does not actually stand in the kitchen and watch the chefs prepare the food. Start by taking the order and let the guest follow the order all the way from the table to the cash register, down to the kitchen, and when the server delivers it. It's a fun way to show the entire process of producing an order and show how many steps are actually required to complete a guest's order. The same concept applies if the guest has ordered a drink. Show how the drink is made and end by showing the guest receiving and enjoying it.

Involve your employees

You can also involve your employees. For example, they can tell you what their favorite dish is, their favorite drink, or similar and make it afterwards. In this context, they can talk about why it is their favorite and share a little story about one of the ingredients. That way, it becomes personal and again helps to increase guest loyalty in your restaurant.

It could also be that one of the chefs talks about their favorite dish and why they love making that particular dish. They can also offer a tip or two for the kitchen at home. The possibilities are many.

Use social media

The easiest place to take your guests behind the scenes is on social media - especially Instagram and TikTok. It's easy to post small video or photo snippets of what everyday life looks like. It can be fun and enjoyable for guests to follow along. It's therefore obvious to use these platforms to show if something funny happens, something unexpected, or if there's just a cozy atmosphere.

Interview your employees

You can also make different portraits of your employees. For example, it could include a bit about who they are, how old they are, how long they have worked for you, and what they recommend from your restaurant. Then it can end with what their favorite thing about the restaurant is - such as good camaraderie, happy guests, a good atmosphere, and much more.


Of course, remember to make it clear and ask the involved parties, whether they are employees or guests, if it is okay for them to appear on social media. Not everyone wants to be involved, and that should be respected.