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Sustainability in the restaurant industry

Written by Line Andersen | 09-05-23 10:25

It is important to take care of the Earth and the climate, which is why more and more people are choosing sustainable options whenever possible. Therefore, it may be a good idea to implement sustainable practices in your restaurant if you are not already aware of them. We have gathered some suggestions for options you can consider to take your restaurant in the right direction.

  1. The first thing to look at is food waste. It is generally a significant problem in the restaurant industry, but there are both financial and environmental benefits if you think ahead. For example, you can be more conscious when shopping for your restaurant. You can also have a "no-waste day" where you do not have a specific menu, but your guests come in and eat whatever the chef feels like making. It is a great opportunity to use ingredients that are close to their expiration date. Several restaurants have successfully implemented this concept. Another option is to donate excess food or ingredients to charitable organizations, so they can distribute the food to those in need.

  2. Use reusable or biodegradable packaging. If you sell a lot of take-out meals, it is particularly important to focus on this aspect. We have all seen take-out bags and cups littering the streets. They can stay there for a long time if they are not biodegradable. Therefore, pay attention to using packaging materials that contribute to environmental protection. I know paper straws can be a bit unpleasant, but there are now many good alternatives available, such as straws made from sugarcane. They look and feel like plastic straws, but they are biodegradable. It's a win-win situation.

  3. Consider sustainable transportation options. If you offer delivery for take-out orders, there are several ways to do it. If the delivery distance is short, a bicycle or electric scooter can be a good solution. If the delivery is a bit further away, an electric bike or cargo bike with electric assistance could be suitable. There are many different possibilities, but it should make sense for your restaurant's circumstances.

  4. Use local and seasonal ingredients. When you use local ingredients, you not only reduce the environmental footprint related to transportation but also have the opportunity to support one or more of your local farmers. It can also contribute to making the flavor in your restaurant unique because not everyone has access to the same local ingredients as you do.

  5. If you cannot use local and seasonal ingredients, consider organic produce. Organic farming avoids the use of chemicals, reducing environmental impact and also protecting the health of farmers. However, organic ingredients are often slightly more expensive, so you need to weigh the benefits against the drawbacks.

  6. Use energy-efficient lighting and appliances. By using energy-saving appliances, you can reduce energy consumption and costs in your restaurant. Not only is it beneficial for your wallet, but it is also good for the climate when less energy is being used.

  7. Collaborate with local organizations. This can provide your restaurant with opportunities to engage in local community projects and initiatives that protect the environment and promote sustainability. For example, you may choose to donate a portion of your earnings to organizations that prioritize sustainability. Your employees and you could also participate in waste cleanups or collaborate with local farmers to promote sustainable agricultural practices.

  8. Reduce water consumption where it makes sense. For example, consider installing water-saving toilets or sensor faucets in the restrooms. You will be surprised by how much can be saved in this regard. Again, it benefits both your finances and the environment if we can conserve our resources.

  9. Involve your employees. Educate them on how they can best contribute to environmental protection. Offer them ongoing training and updates on sustainability. They may come up with suggestions and initiatives that you have not considered before.